Exploring the streams, rivers and lakes of Friuli-Venezia Giulia with the Friuli Kayak & Rafting School is an experience that combines fun, adrenaline, discovery and complete safety. Our team of 20 instructors, guides and qualified technical personnel area constantly trained to ensure everybody has the best experience on the water, with over 15 years of experience in the sector.
Through the Cooperative, we provide a range of tourist nd professional services to fully experience and enjoy the area in comfort.
Scuola Kayak & Rafting Friuli
Sede operativa: Campo Sportivo di Pontaiba
33094 Pinzano al Tagliamento (PN)
tel. +39 320 2362896
“Insieme – Società cooperativa di comunità”
Sede Meduno (PN)
Piazza della Chiesa, 4
Cell. 379 159 9541
Email info@coopcomunitainsieme.it
PEC cooperativainsieme@pec.confcooperative.it